Maurizio Di Iorio

Maurizio Di Iorio
Hailing from Pescara, a town in Central Italy, Maurizio studied Law at university before working as a copywriter in the advertising world. It was here that he discovered his love for photography and portraiture and quickly switched professions, buying himself a camera in 2009. His work is heavily stylized and bold, mixing realism with a certain dose of ambiguity, injecting personality and sense of irony into still life portraits. He strongly believes in the possibility of using photography to match the more commercial aspects of a piece with art itself. The more you study his work the more is revealed.
Maurizio is self-taught and has only been a full-time photographer since 2011, but has already built up an impressive body of work. Clients have included GQ USA, Playboy, Marie Claire, Elle UK, Wired, Wall Street Journal, Suddeusche Zeitung Magazin, Men's Health USA, Bloomberg Businessweek, Wallpaper* to name a few and has also worked for fashion brands such as Marc by Marc Jacobs.
In 2015 he was selected by PDN as one for their 30 emerging photographers; and in the last three years his work has been exhibited in Los Angeles, London, Milan and Bologna.